Website Timeframe

Website Timeframe

How long will it take you to complete my website?
There is no simple or solid answer to this question because it depends on the size of your website. For smaller sites about 5-10 pages, we usually quote 1-2 weeks. The average site we get is usually between 10 to 30 pages in which case the time line is about 2-3 weeks. Anything larger will have a time frame of at least 8 weeks.
After we conduct the web site assessment process, we will have a fairly good idea of a production schedule. Certain conditions will apply to make this estimation: How many pages in your web site, the amount of interaction and scripting needed, graphic production and placement, site testing and analysis by you and your staff, and how many jobs that may be ahead of you.
Generally, we will be able to give a very good estimate and timeline within the budget that should satisfy your needs.

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