3D Business Construction

3D Business Construction

New York, USA



3D Business Construction handles both residential and commercial construction. They have experts in both types of staff. They minimize the number of subcontractors on a project to avoid confusion, but the ones they do hire are always the best and most experienced. Their management experience allows them to find the best combination of teams, as well as keep everyone on the same page, and minimize construction times on all projects. When you choose 3D Business Construction, you choose quality.

Showcase & Portfolio


They needed a simple and straight forward typography with symbolic constructive blocks representing '3' & 'D'. With all caps, to emphasize on power and strength.

Showcase & Portfolio


Based on the company mission, the detailed description of the service and the brand image which the client wanted to set for the target audience, the designer was assigned to create the logo and a set of branded items which would grow brand awareness..

Showcase & Portfolio


After that conversation, We were happy to send her the version we had mocked up above. Needless to say it went down very well.

What they said....

Testimonials coming soon!
Attin Maggo | COO
Attin Maggo | COO
Al Bateen Group

We are excited to hear about your great idea. Let's discuss and win together.

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