ABC Psychiatric Services is honored to provide personalized psychiatric services to troubled people under the care of Marina Doulova, MD board certified. Dr. Doulova’s clients are no different than you! We help them, we encourage them, and provide them with the tools to live fulfilling and uplifting lives.
We started everything off by digging into the details of the project by conducting stakeholder interviews. After digging into what made these top-performing health care sites tick, we came up with an overarching goal of a simplified user experience for the entire redesign. Simplification of information was the filter to keep the end-user experience in mind. The team worked with the client to make sure the site represented clear, approachable content that led the visitor to what relevant information they needed while making sure the navigation was easy and clear.
As you can imagine, health care websites can contain a lot of content. The old site contained information that was more of a definition and less about how ABC Psychaitric Services could keep Adult & Children amazing with the care they offer. Making this change in content direction was a must. The team worked with Dmitri Kosten collaboratively to edit or rework the content to be more user-friendly and informative, yet concise, which helps user engagement.
The end result was everything they hoped for and more. Through diligent planning and lots of hard work, we were able to completely transform their online presence for both site for adult patients and children.Now has a website that is professional, informative, and creatively tells the story of the doctor's expertise, facilities and testimonials by patients. The new site is modern and simple while also communicating to visitors and patients in their language without any jargons.